Gwenyn Môn yn cipio anrhydedd Great Taste Awards 2024 am ein mêl blodau gwyllt yr haf o Ynys Mon.

Mae modd archebu lle ar gyrsiau â phrofiadau cadw gwenyn a gynhelir yn 2025

teuluoedd ifanc

Cael Blas ar Gadw Gwenyn 

ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc

Ar ôl cael profiad addysgu helaeth yn y sectorau cynradd ac uwchradd, gallwn ymgysylltu ag ac ysbrydoli plant a phobl ifanc o bob oed yn hawdd.

Rydym yn croesawu ymholiadau gan deuluoedd â phlant o unrhyw oedran a hoffai inni drefnu Profiad  cadw gwenyn pwrpasol. Gallwn ddarparu cymysgedd o weithgareddau sy'n addas ar gyfer oedrannau eich plant, gan gynnwys, blasu mêl, gwneud canhwyllau cwyr gwenyn a defnyddio cwch gwenyn arsylwi (lle mae'r gwenyn wedi'u selio y tu mewn am resymau diogelwch) i ddarganfod mwy am fioleg gwenyn mêl, ar lefel briodol.

Dyma beth oedd gan un teulu i'w ddweud ar ôl Cael Blas ar Gadw Gwenyn .......

Rachel, Jim, Martha, Estelle & Wilhelmina, Bee Curious Experience, August 2020

We wanted to write to thank you for the incredible experience we had last week learning all about your work. The girls are all still talking about it and want to educate everyone they meet! Wilhelmina went home and checked that the honey in the cupboard "smelt of flowers". Estelle has spent a long time on the phone telling her great grandma all about the queen bee and the hard working girl bees. We have such special memories so thank you again (I suspect we'll make a beekeeper out of one of them at least!) They wanted to write to you on this wildflower seed paper so you can plant it afterwards for your bees. They also wanted to send you a copy of Bee Movie as they think you will love it.

Darllenwch fwy o adolygiadau
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